Bleak Theology A post-punk counterweight to joy.

A Day for Hubris


220px-RWS_Tarot_00_FoolEaster Monday is a bit of a letdown, which is a good thing, because expectations are not as high, but also people are going back to their daily lives. Yes, Easter came. The Lord is risen. The Lord is risen, indeed. Christos anesti. Thanks. Yes. I know. Please stop. I have a headache. Easter Monday. In fact, this Easter Sunday, I was completely out of it and did nothing but eat three-quarters of a Paraclete-shaped colomba di Pasqua. Don’t worry. She’ll have her revenge at Pentecost, I’m sure.

But with the sugar high of Easter and thoughts of “Death, where is thy sting?”, it’d be good to remember that hubris is (still) a bitch. And that it is foolish to think that everything is right in the world. Death still has plenty of sting left. Countless died yesterday. Let’s not be foolish. Let’s not be stupid about things. Death is still here.

Hubris gets us into trouble. Let’s treat Death with respect. We all still die. Let’s not be foolish about it.




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By Burke
Bleak Theology A post-punk counterweight to joy.


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